Why you'll Love it

Crested Geckos require less time and effort than most other reptiles. With the appropriate enclosure, enrichment, and food, they will thrive in most home environments.

Confused by all the reptile heaters and lights? No worries, Crested Geckos don’t need them! Their ideal setting is the ambient temperature of most air conditioned homes– talk about easy!

Grossed out by bugs? Good news– you don’t need them for your pet Crested Gecko! These guys eat a fruit based powder mixed with water to create a smoothie consistency!

Crowned Yellow Pinstripe Empty Back White Out Soft Scale (Adult Male)



SKU :  M346

Name : Crowned Yellow Pinstripe Empty Back White Out Soft Scale

Sex : Adult Male

Year : 2022

Size : Adult

Categories : Crested Gecko

Color :

Additional information






Shirt Size